Purelive Olive Oil 200ml
Purelive Olive Oil 200ml
PURELIVE is 100% virgin extra virgin olive oil rich in Vitamin E & K that acts as an antioxidant agent. PURELIVE has been imported from Central Asia, where the owner of the olive tree is still practicing organic agriculture.
PURELIVE is processed through a cold extraction process, without the involvement of chemicals or heat.
PURELIVE provides a variety of health benefits. Among the advantages are: –
Oleic acid levels up to 85% can help raise the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) that can clog the heart arteries that are the main cause of stroke.
High content of Antioxidants Polyphenols that act against free radicals in the body.
Vitamin E sources are best for maintaining a healthy heart and maintaining skin and hair
Low acid levels facilitate the process of digestion compared to other fats
High Vitamin K content inhibits blood clots and thus reduces the risk of blocked clogging.
Expiry : MAR-21
Purelive Olive Oil 200ml
PURELIVE is 100% virgin extra virgin olive oil rich in Vitamin E & K that acts as an antioxidant agent. PURELIVE has been imported from Central Asia, where the owner of the olive tree is still practicing organic agriculture.
PURELIVE is processed through a cold extraction process, without the involvement of chemicals or heat.
PURELIVE provides a variety of health benefits. Among the advantages are: –
Oleic acid levels up to 85% can help raise the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) that can clog the heart arteries that are the main cause of stroke.
High content of Antioxidants Polyphenols that act against free radicals in the body.
Vitamin E sources are best for maintaining a healthy heart and maintaining skin and hair
Low acid levels facilitate the process of digestion compared to other fats
High Vitamin K content inhibits blood clots and thus reduces the risk of blocked clogging.
Expiry : MAR-21
Additional information
Weight | 0.5 kg |